Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy for no reason

Reading Marci Sminoff's Happy for no Reason. Got into a little rut last night. Got a little negative and wanted to stay in that mood. I thought I had a very good reason. Woke up in that mood as well. By noon , I was full blown into it.

But, then I gave in and went and downloaded Marci's Book, "Happy for No Reason". Yeah, it is good. It is picking me back up. I knew I didn't want to stay down for long. She is interviewing her Happy 100. That is SO ironic that I am reading it, because last year when I decided that I wanted to do this , I had decided that I wanted to do something very similar. But, I was going to interview my 100 favorite people and tell the to let me know what it was that they did that made them so special to me and everyone else. And then I wanted them to tell me who made them feel special, and then so on...

I feel very special that I had an idea that Marci had. For that means that I am moving in the right direction. This is exciting. She is using the exact techniques I would have used. Guess I will have to come up with something else, huh?

Anyway, the book is brilliant for anyone searching for happiness. Lifting me up!


Beatrice V said...

As I read you I become more intrigued, I don't know exactly why.
Hope all is going well.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your prayers! I really liked this post in here, I'm very interested in Reading such books, I will try to find it in the library and read it, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

sounds like that book is just what i'm looking for...i'll pick it up sometime... :)