Friday, April 11, 2008

Bring on the comments.

3 more dollars. Well, that is 3 more. I didn't produce any more cash today. Nothing just manifested. So, right before I went to bed, I couldn't just leave it at that. I tiptoed into the bedroom and snatched 3 one dollar bills from the hubby's wallet. I had to, or the day would have been a waste. That is how my mind is thinking all the time. 3 is so much better than none. That is a cold, hard, fun, wealthy fact.

Another fun fact that did occur was that my husband found himself at Books a Million looking at books on the same subject of making money. If you only knew what a stretch that was for him. He hates to read. I have been doing this type of research for over a year. Of course, most of my research has been on the metaphysical side of it until recently. And he was really having none of that. He didn't discounted, he just said it was not for him.

Anyway, he is thinking maybe he is ready to get on board with this with me. I am about to bounce off the wall with excitement about this. I know like I know that this goal will occur for us. I have found that faith that I have heard so much about . Maybe I will go into that more as the blogs go on. It was a very long process with a very long history behind it.

If my husband can find his faith, that would be awesome on so many levels. I can't do it for him. The fact that he is even looking is amazing, to say the least. But, again, he will have to do it own his own. Faith and knowledge is something that is extremely personal.

This whole goal seems to be about money, but it is so much more than that. Money is the concrete goal, but I had to get happy with myself first. That came first, and that is where the soul-searching came into play. That took a lot of time. Many, many years that finally came to fantastic climax this past year. Then I just knew it my time.

Anyway, that is another story for another day. I have been thrilled to be getting my first comments. That means that there are folks that are supporting me. That is something that I know also is true. I know it with all that I am. If people take time to write comments to me, then I can really feel their energy being sent to me in support. It spurs me own in my quest. I think of their comments during my day, and I feel their support. It makes me want to fulfill my goal even more. It makes me want to encourage others to do the same.

So, for those who have commented....I say it again, you have been led here for a reason. Thank you so many times over!


Sarah :) said...

I didn't get to comment Thursdays post, but GOOD FOR YOU! I am so excited that you were able to put that money in there. I know you will do wonderful things with this money, and it will be just a wonderful experience for you all. :]
And hey, 3 dollars is more then I have. Haha. ;]


Beatrice V said...

KC, I am reading you, I started on the very first post, then jumped to the latest, thinking I would be able to figure out what you are doing... So far I know you want to make lots of money and seem to be gathering bits and pieces here and there, but I am confused, I know WHAT you want, but still confused about HOW exactly are you going on about it! Wish I could send you that million:) still, here are my good wishes..

Beatrice V said...

PS I see you are using the colour green on your page, I seem to have read somewhere that is the colur of money!:)

Anonymous said...

slow and steady wins the race K.C,3 dollars to me is 120 indian rupees no means a small amount...each penny counts,and you'll get there eventually...we all have faith in you... :)