Thursday, April 24, 2008

Change of thinking

Listening to T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. The thing is... listening to a book cannot change your life. That is a fact. I can listen to a million books and they are not going to make me a cent. What is happening is that with each book that I listening to, there is a change in thinking. There are so many things that are changing in my life. The way I go about every day actions is changing. The way I look at things is changing.

There are so many books out there that are on this subject. There is so much out there right now about this. People that have succeeded in one way or another are starting to put it down on paper. And one of the ways that I can also succeed is to mimic their behavior. I can learn from their lessons.

As I said in one of the earlier blogs, "The Science of Getting Rich" is such a brilliant book. It shows a successful life in such an elementary way. Just start somewhere. Be successful at one thing and then another. If you can continue on this path, there is no way that you cannot become rich. Also, fill your space. Because once you have filled the space you are in, you have to move on to another space.

All that said, I stay at home right now. My kids are in school, but I stay at home. Well, there is only so much housekeeping that one can do. I have now, since reading the above book, cleaned out every closet to the hilt, every drawer and every cabinet. I am ready to move on to something else.

My house is in perfect order and I keep it that way. I moved on to my car next. I keep it in perfect order as well. That is not to say that everything has to be at right angles or neat all the time, for I have children, but I clean it everyday, beds made up and clothes put up, dishes done, etc. EVERY DAY. No exception. It takes about 45 minutes to do it all, 30 minutes if I hussle. It keeps me from feeling like there is always something to do, and always something to clean up all day.

I am not trying to sound like I am this clean freak or anything like that, for I am not. It took me about 2 months to get my home clutter free. I recommend to everyone! It is completely freeing and makes life so easy. That was one of the first successes that I reached. And it was a success in a high order. I got rid of at least a U-Haul worth of belongings that I knew that I didn't need, and I gave them to friends or family or Goodwill. At first it was hard, but then as I saw the clean space I was creating, the more mentally able I was to begin succeeding at other things. All that clutter around my home was cluttering up my mind as well.

This may seem like a mundane task and something that may not appeal to you. But, I am telling you that it works. Succeed at one thing, and it leads to success in other areas of your life. I do not want to be a perfect housekeeper. I could care less about keeping a perfect house. I want to get up, clean my house, and get on with my day. Now I can do it completely in about an hour, and it will stay that way, for the most part, all day.

I think it is important to respect yourself and where you are. If you live in disarray, then many times it is hard to get it together. So start outwardly and then you can begin to see improvements, within you and all around you. I am watching it happen for me and it is so exciting.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Money on the brain

Put 20 more in today. I think that I got that yesterday from the hubby's wallet. It is time to go to the bank again and make another deposit. Hang on, I think I need to make another trip to the hubby's wallet and get some more. I didn't do so today, and if I don't do it now, I will have skipped an entire day... Be right back. Okay, got another 20. So, that's 40 more in. For, anyone new to this, I take about 20 dollars out of my husband's wallet every day to put into CASH STASH toward my goal. It is not really stealing from him, because the money is for the two of us.

Okay, so to go back a little and explain how this came about, and this may take a few blogs to get to, last year I stumbled across a book, "The Science Of Getting Rich". I had never heard anything about anything like it. I never knew that the world could work like that. EVER. And here I was just a few days before my 40th birthday, and this book was telling me that not only was it possible for me to get rich, but it was my duty to get rich. WHAT??

That was contradictory to anything that I had ever heard of. But, the more that I read, the more that it made sense to me. Not only made sense, but was absolutely correct. And, moreover, as the title said, there is an exact science to it. And I am becoming living proof of it. But, as I have said all along....the book is more than the money. It is the living that goes along with it. Because the man who wrote it was a brilliant author, he told it better than I ever could. But, it is about how one successful act leads to another...that simple. And you just start with one.

But, of course, as simple as that is...I had to start with one simple act and then continue with that. I think that was a year ago. I think that I started with making a wish. I think that I started then. I think that I said, "I want a million dollars." And I said that very sarcastically. But, as I read on, I began to think that maybe it wasn't impossible. Before I picked up that book, I would have never believed it was possible.

I read that book over and over and over and over. I can quote so much from it that I should have a copyright on my forehead. That is why it is called faith. That is why faith becomes reality. Once you get really do get it. This is not about sacrilegious beliefs, quite the opposite. This is such a spiritual journey, but it something that each person has to feel for his or her own self.

Over the past year, before I even began this goal, I did so much soul-searching. I found true happiness within. My first goal last summer was to be happy. That took some doing. I found it. I reveled in that for a long time. Then, I wanted my weight to get back to reasonable. Got it. Then, I wanted my health back. Got it. So, now, here I am. Going for the gusto. I decided to set my goal high so that I could reach for the stars. I want to travel. I want to show my kids and my friends and my family the world. I want to help my friends and family when needed. But, I also want to enjoy my life.

This is a time that money is needed to do that. That is just how society operates. So, I'll be watching for the opportunities. I'm researching what I need to. Right now, I am listening to Four Hour Work Week. Exhilarating. Hilarious. Opening my eyes to another world I didn't know about.

As always I love your comments. Thanks for all the encouragement. I'm moving on ....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gotta say a few words...

Was able to write a check for over 20 dollars at the grocery store and this morning I scammed 5 bucks out of the hubby's wallet. So, that is 25 more for the CASH STASH. Yeah, we are rolling!

As the title shows, I want to be a little serous tonight because I wrote a letter to a friend that I have known since grade school. I am 40 now and so is he. His wife was killed in a car accident 2 months ago. I wrote to him today to let him know that we were thinking of him and well, you know, whatever it is that you say. It was so hard, and it really got me thinking.

This is a man and a woman who, from the outside looking in, had it all together. Perfect life, cars, kids, job, etc... Then, well, somebody died. Now, all of their business is out there for everybody to go through. Nobody went through it in a mean-spirited sort of way. But, it ends up that he is not in the financial shape that he could have been if she would have lived. That just gets me all ways sideways. There were over 1000 people there at the funeral. Why couldn't we have given all of our money to that family. Why spend it on the damn flowers? Who cares? The family needed it. UGH!

This is the exact reason that I am going for this goal. I want to have money for this type of reason. I would love to anonymously be able to give to my friend's family whatever I found out he needed. Mortgage? Car notes? Taxes? Whatever? But, I can't do that with a little bit of cash. I have to have millions. (Well, maybe that is an exagerration, but you get the picture.)

OK, that is my tirade. We have a few spoons in the pot there, but they are stirring very slowly, but at least they are in. That industry could use a boost--- is all I'm saying....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Rich Dad

Well, put 3 more in today. Yeah, that is not as much as my 90 in from the last time. But, that is okay. I cannot worry about that. It does not faze me in the least. I am moving forward all the time. I have to know that every bit counts toward the goal. I keep saying this, and I really do mean it: THIS IS SO EXCITING! Having such a big goal and knowing that it is a reality in the making is more than I ever dreamed of.

I have always seen people on television or read about their success stories and how they talked about achieving a dream. I always thought that they were doing something that I would never be able to do. I also always wondered how they ever got started. And now here I am in the middle of it all. I am really doing it myself. I am knowing that I am going to accomplish a dream.

I have had many people ask me exactly how I am going to do this. The answer is: One day at a time. I intend to take every opportunity that presents itself to me and take it. I know that sounds like good theory. But, it is not. That is concrete reality. I will have to just have to prove that on the day by day blog.

I have no definite plan at this time of inventing anything, nor do I have a plan to invest in anything. What I do plan to do is to get a million dollars. This is something that I think of almost 24 hours a day every day. I do not obsess over it, for that is different. That would make it stressful. This is exciting. I know that it is coming my way. It is a feeling like things are turning my direction.

Back on topic, as you know by now, I am a fanatical reader on the goal at hand, so right now, I am reading Rich Dad's Financial IQ. The author drives home the point that in order to make money you need to learn HOW to make money. I did not even know that until about 8 months ago. I didn't even know that there was a mind-set to making money.

One of my very best friends that I have known since infancy is all grown up now, and he is a millionaire. He did not win the lottery. He learned how to make money. I am talking to him ALOT lately, now that I have this goal. He doesn't know that I have the goal, for fear that he will think that I want him to give me some of his. What I want from him is knowledge. He says that constantly reading and refueling with books on topic are the way to stay in the game. He says he reads 3-4 a week.

It's the old "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime." You know I don't want to get a little money for right now. I want to learn how to get my own money. I don't have a problem with going to work. I can teach school, or be a nurse, or go into a business position. I have degrees in all three areas. I loved all three.

However, at this time in my life, I am ready to move on. I am ready for a new calling. This is what I want to do. So, Rich Dad, bring on the knowledge, I am your sponge for the next couple of days. I thank you!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Dream

Well, as you may remember, I stole 130 dollars from my son's wallet yesterday to pay the cleaning lady. I just knew that I would get that somehow. I didn't know how. I just had faith that I would. I refused to take it out of the secret stash, which is now over 1,300. (in 2 weeks) . I am not going to mess with that. Anyway, last night late, my hubby came in and said that he had gone to a casino and won a little bit. I told him i wanted some of it. Yeah, he gave me 200. See, there, I didn't do anything to get the money. He handed to me. Ta-DA! I got my 130 to give back to my son and had 70 left over for the Cash Stash. So there! Also, I had taken 20 dollars from my husband's wallet the night before to put in the cash stash anyway. So now I am up 90 dollars total in the Cash Stash. Yeah! for me and my millions.

Switching gears now. I had a very realistic dream last night that I filled my mother in on my intentions. Now, I am married, like I said, I have 3 kids and have managed to make it through college 3 different times, landing 3 different degrees. However, my mother's opinion is so important to me. OK, so I told her, and as expected, she told me it was ridiculous. But, unlike I would have usually done, I did not back down.

I feel sure that this would have happened in real life. I just am not about to start that. I have one friend who knows about this. And my husband of course. And you all that are reading this along with me. My friend has to be nice to me now simply because she didn't put me down in the first place... she lost her chance. And my husband is actually starting to move forward a little bit with it. And of course, you guys have been so encouraging. And I am not even sure encouraging has been the right word. You are all so matter of fact about it with me.

I absolutely have no doubt about it. As long as I don't stop, it will come. And I do believe that I have mastered the science of faith. It is an art. And that is the most humbling experience I have ever encountered. And again, why it was given to me is such a long story that it will be let out over many long blogs as we go along. But, my faith is as sure as 2+2=4.

The amazing thing to me is the fact that I am looking toward this goal. Not the amount of the goal, but the goal of money. I guess because I will be able to do so much with it once I get it. I will be able to live my life to the fullest once I get it. I will be able to see the places I want to see, and help others do the same. I will be able to help others who really do need it.

While riding this road to millions however, I am sacrificing very little. We still live very happily. We have all that we need. We live in a very comfortable home. But, the point I am trying to make it the goal. I want to watch the magic occur. I want to be part of something bigger than mediocrity and everyday circumstance that happen for no reason. I want to watch things happen for a reason, and know that they are happening for me. Again, I am having a ball!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Overwhelmed by responses

I put 20 more in today. Just the same ole sneaky way. Crawled into the hubby's wallet. I was gone most of the weekend, and when I came back I snuck some out and put it into the stash. I tell you, though, I was proud of myself for one thing. The ladies who clean the house came and needed cash. Well, the only cash that I had was the Secret Stash. Well, we all know that I can't touch that., right?

So, I did get sneaky there. I went into my son's wallet and pulled out 130 dollars to pay them. Uh oh. Now I am going to have to get really creative so he doesn' t miss that. See how much fun this is. I could have gone into my Secret Stash towards my m illion dollar goal, but no way. I have made this goal and I am just not going to go back on it for anything. So, tomorrow I am hoping that 130 will come to me easily to put back into my first born's wallet before he misses it.
I have faith that I will see that money. I really do. I don't know how or will be.

I'm going to let that go, because it really doesn't bother me too much and I am going to take a few minutes to speak on behalf of the comments that have been coming in so much sooner than I expected them to. I would like to comment on the quality of the comments. I guess I expected the same type of comments that I would expect from the people who who claim to "love" me here in my own home and extended family and friendship. I know that they would tell me I am crazy to try this type of goal. Money isn't everything. Why am I not happy in my own life.

They just wouldn't even begin to listen to me. If they did, they would all whisper behind my back and I know that I would feel that negavite energy. That is why I started this blog. Basically to just get it out in the open for my own well-being. And wow, evey single person who has responded has given me such support. And I know very well, that anyone who has posted a blog back to me is a person just like me who can give their opinion.

I mean it when i say that I get such an overwhelming surge of positive reinforcement and feeling of emotions when such uplifting comments have been given. They feel very honest and truly heart felt. So, again, thank you.

It reminded of a friend of my son. He was with us at the grocery store. When it was time to check out my children asked if they could get a candy bar, I started to tell them yes, when the friend interrupted and said, "Well, now, I guess you do want a candy bar. And I guess you want a million dollars too, HM, how likely is that going to happen either!"

That made me so sad for that child. He has probably been told that his whole life, as have so many others. Where can he go from there? A million dollars is very likely! There is cabillionjillion dollars out there to be made if we know the way to do it. It is a matter of doing it right. But, doubting it....well, that just ain't it. And having people doubt you, that ain't it either, huh?

Well, wanted you guys to know that I feel your excitement for me. I am bowing down to you in thanks!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy for no reason

Reading Marci Sminoff's Happy for no Reason. Got into a little rut last night. Got a little negative and wanted to stay in that mood. I thought I had a very good reason. Woke up in that mood as well. By noon , I was full blown into it.

But, then I gave in and went and downloaded Marci's Book, "Happy for No Reason". Yeah, it is good. It is picking me back up. I knew I didn't want to stay down for long. She is interviewing her Happy 100. That is SO ironic that I am reading it, because last year when I decided that I wanted to do this , I had decided that I wanted to do something very similar. But, I was going to interview my 100 favorite people and tell the to let me know what it was that they did that made them so special to me and everyone else. And then I wanted them to tell me who made them feel special, and then so on...

I feel very special that I had an idea that Marci had. For that means that I am moving in the right direction. This is exciting. She is using the exact techniques I would have used. Guess I will have to come up with something else, huh?

Anyway, the book is brilliant for anyone searching for happiness. Lifting me up!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bring on the comments.

3 more dollars. Well, that is 3 more. I didn't produce any more cash today. Nothing just manifested. So, right before I went to bed, I couldn't just leave it at that. I tiptoed into the bedroom and snatched 3 one dollar bills from the hubby's wallet. I had to, or the day would have been a waste. That is how my mind is thinking all the time. 3 is so much better than none. That is a cold, hard, fun, wealthy fact.

Another fun fact that did occur was that my husband found himself at Books a Million looking at books on the same subject of making money. If you only knew what a stretch that was for him. He hates to read. I have been doing this type of research for over a year. Of course, most of my research has been on the metaphysical side of it until recently. And he was really having none of that. He didn't discounted, he just said it was not for him.

Anyway, he is thinking maybe he is ready to get on board with this with me. I am about to bounce off the wall with excitement about this. I know like I know that this goal will occur for us. I have found that faith that I have heard so much about . Maybe I will go into that more as the blogs go on. It was a very long process with a very long history behind it.

If my husband can find his faith, that would be awesome on so many levels. I can't do it for him. The fact that he is even looking is amazing, to say the least. But, again, he will have to do it own his own. Faith and knowledge is something that is extremely personal.

This whole goal seems to be about money, but it is so much more than that. Money is the concrete goal, but I had to get happy with myself first. That came first, and that is where the soul-searching came into play. That took a lot of time. Many, many years that finally came to fantastic climax this past year. Then I just knew it my time.

Anyway, that is another story for another day. I have been thrilled to be getting my first comments. That means that there are folks that are supporting me. That is something that I know also is true. I know it with all that I am. If people take time to write comments to me, then I can really feel their energy being sent to me in support. It spurs me own in my quest. I think of their comments during my day, and I feel their support. It makes me want to fulfill my goal even more. It makes me want to encourage others to do the same.

So, for those who have commented....I say it again, you have been led here for a reason. Thank you so many times over!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It is given.

1000 more! Yeah, I said it! I went from 25 dollars one day to 1000 dollars the next. And I have been on this road for a relatively short time. The thing is though, I have been on this road for quite a long time mentally. I am just now putting it into solid action.

I guess it was like everyone else. I always thought that since I didn't have a huge amount to start with that it wouldn't make a difference. So, I just made a decision to do it. I started with zero dollars and a decision, and here I am a few weeks later and 1000 dollars was put into the stash.

Here is what happened. I am a very firm believer in reading books on the subject of making money and self-improvement. The reason being that if you want to learn how to cook, you read cook books. Well, I want to learn how to make money and I want to learn how to enjoy the journey along the way. These are things that I obviously have missed for 40 years. So, I have for the past year immersed myself in both subjects.

I don't have time to read. That would take forever, right? So, I download the books to my Ipod. That seems like it would cost a fortune, right? Well, each download is about 18 dollars or so. It takes me about 4--5 days to make it through one of the books. And I usually listen to each book once and then go back and listen to others that have made a particular impact on me. So, I am spending about 20 bucks a week on books. But, they are changing my way of thinking which is in turn changing my actions. This is in turn changing my future and the future of everyone around me. It starts such an unbelievable chain reaction that the minimal costs outweigh the benefits.

I keep the ipod on doing mundane tasks or in the car when alone, at the grocery store or at ballgames. No one knows what I am listening to, all the while the inspiration that is coming in constantly is overwhelming.

Anyway, getting back to the 1000 dollars. Right now, I am listening to a book which encourages setting a small goal for the week. My goal was 100 dollars. Then I thought, No way, Let's go for 1000. This was yesterday. Yeah, yesterday! My husband came in this morning and asked me to transfer 1000 into the stash (which would normally be used for bills). It was part of the tax refund check. His original plan for that was to pay off the credit card bills.

I have explained to him that that mountain will be there regardless, and that we need to set aside a goal amount. That money cannot be touched unless it is for the goal. As long as the bills are paid, and we have a big savings, then our confidence in our future will feel secure. Then we will not feel the need to use credit cards needlessly for we will know that we have a big bank account. It is a huge cycle, but a good one. But, the cycle has to begin somewhere. It sounds like a paradox, but it is not. There would be no need to have a debt on credit cards with several hundred thousand dollars in the bank, right.

But, the catch is... we have to pay off the credit cards while building the stash at the same time. Most people would not find that fun, but, hey, I guess at 40, you find your fun where you can, huh? If we can pull this off, we will have a blast... and honestly, I have no doubt that we will.. No doubt.

So, today I have officially opened the account, the money that had been put in the stash has been put into the bank and we are on our way OFFICIALLY! Join us!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The others

Put 25 more dollars in yesterday. Snagged 5 more out of my husband's wallet yesterday morning. Again, not stealing. It's my money too, you know. Just this time, the money is going toward the common goal. And it is not to be touched. I have set up an account for the goal actually. So, the goal is now officially concrete.

The other 20 came from the usual source. The grocery store. Took an extra 20 out from the checkout. Came home and put it in the stash.

I have no idea yet what I will use the money for. That is an interesting question. I have no use for a huge home. We built a large home a few years ago, and it was not all it was cracked up to be, for me anyway. It was a lot of maintenance. Of course, I had small children at the time, and maybe I was just not ready for it. I have heard that most people are not ready to handle real wealth until the age of 40. That may be true. We will have to see.

I think I am more interested in the journey of it all, as I said before. I have learned that money is after all, just paper and metal. It is what you do to make the money and how you use the money that counts. I truly do know that living life to the fullest is the joy and that the money is the perk that follows that. I know that sounds like the ultimate cliche, but I think that cliches are time tested.

I am continuing to do as much research as I can on how to accomplish this dream. It seems that most people are trying very, very hard to get rich the easy, quick way. I think that they are missing the point. While that would be great, and I will take it, I have to say that I love my life right now.

To those who would say that I sound like I am contradicting myself, I would say this: I do love my life right now, and that is why I want to improve it. Because if my life is wonderful now, how much more wonderful will it be if it keeps improving. There is no sense in remaining stagnant or going backwards. That is my purpose. Self-improvement and self- enhancement.

And I was amazed in my research to see that I am not the only one who is doing this. I found a couple of other people who started out with the same goal as I did. Only they started a couple of years ago. Maybe this was a "thing" a couple of years ago. I don't know. If so, I missed that boat. I was amazed. But, if there is anyone who wants to do this with me, please jump in. Because it is true on any plane of existence, where two or more are in agreement on something, the odds of it occuring go up tremendously. And that is a fact...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Let Hubby In

Put 5 more dollars in. That's 5 more. I'm moving on up. I will meet that goal yet. I really do feel very close to it. Other would definitely discourage me about this, therefore I am choosing very wisely who I talk to about this. If I feel that someone will tell me that it can't be done, they will not be told. If I feel that they will look at me with any condescension they will not be told. I do not want any reason to give up. I don't want any excuse.

I did tell my husband today. That took a lot of courage to do that. He has been the one that I have allowed to pull me down in most of my endeavours over the last 17 years. I have blamed that on him over the last years of my life. He is a very negative personality. I used that to say that was the reason for my decline. And since I finally got my act together last year and began reading and researching and found out the TRUTH about life and the real WAY that life works, I realized that it really begins with me. I am the only one that can change my situation.

At first I had no idea what the hell that meant. Then I realized that I had to change my own outlook on me. I had to figure out who I was and then everyone around me would not affect me. I did do that. It took me several months of reading and meditating...something I had never done. But, once I figured it out...I knew, and there I was happy, and there was not a whole lot that my husband could say that was going to make me unhappy again. And the thing was...I don't think he had really been trying to all along. I had just been trying to take things so damn personally. Ugh.

Anyway, things are so much better now. I went off on a tangent there. All that to say that I talked with him about this million dollar plan. He does agree, but not like I do. I told him I was doing it with or without him.. So it's out there now...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Looking for ideas

Put 5 more dollars in today. I know that it doesn't seem like that is much to the outside world, but I know in my own way that it brings me closer to my goal. It is more than zero dollars closer.

I went on the internet today and punched in "How to Make a Million Dollars". I was astonished at the findings. There are so many scams it seems. But, then I wondered if they really were scams. Or were they people who were just trying to get ahead. Maybe they are just so eager to do it quickly that they were not willing to enjoy the ride.

While it is hard to wait on it when you know that it is coming, I think that research into any project might just be the key. On first glance into any of those websites, it looked like they all would be a great idea. I mean, if I could just sit at my computer and punch in rebates and make 500 a day, why wouldn't I? But, then, after looking into that racket, I saw that maybe that wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

But, then I looked into a couple of web sites that put down that type of "scam" and those people were trying to sell the complete opposite type of racket, which was to work for just 200 extra dollars a month. Well, that is not what I am looking for either.

I guess right now is just my time for research. It is interesting to say the least. And I guess I can't stress enough what a change in thinking this is for me to even have this goal. It really has been only a year ago that I was just going through the motions of life, and here I am on my way to millions!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Scouting around

Put 10 more dollars in from my husbands wallet today. I wonder if he is going to notice and ask me. I doubt it. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to tell him either. I just don't think that he would be on board with me about this. If he were though, this would be so much bigger. When 2 or more agree on a common goal, so much more can be accomplished.

I haven't really given him a reason to trust me on goals. I have the degrees to prove that I have a stick to it kind of quality, but not in business. Or in any kind of self discipline type of situation, so this would be hard to prove. But, this one I feel in my heart, in my gut, and in my bones.

I have started doing research on wealth and money. I don't want to jump on the first thing I see, but I want to reasearch for the next few months on how you raise it, what is the first steps you take. I know that right now I am taking baby steps. And I am okay with that. When it comes time to invest, I want to know that I am doing the right thing. I have afeeling that because I am doing this right, the right thing will show up for me.

I did break down and tell my best friend about it. She didn't scoff at me like I thought that she would. I explained to her that a million dollars is a lot of money, but there is actually so much more than a million dollars out there to be had. I know that I can do this. I know that I can. I must be able to, for I feel that this is my destiny. There would be no reason for me to be aspiring to do this. Why would I even be wanting to do this. Money doesn't interest me, yet here I am wanting it. It's not the money that I want, it is the use of the money that I want. I am so excited about what I will be able to do with the money. I have the money conciousness know.

I already feel it flowing towards me and I don't know how to explain that. It is as if I am a magnat pulling it toward me. I swear that is what it feels like. I don't know where or how or when, but it is coming. I believe in this so forcefully. I don't even have a preference for how it is going to be done, which is a positive for that means that I am so open to possibilities.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Sweet Tea.

Put 40 Dollars In today! That is awesome! Seeing how easy it is to do. I just couldn't believe that I was able to do that. I took 20 dollars out of my husband's wallet this morning and put it in the Secret Stash, and then when I went to the grocery store I wrote the check for 20 dollars over the amount. Came home and put that cash into the stash.

I was not overly crazy about being miserly at the grocery store, but I was certainly concious. It was in the little things. Before, I would have bought 4 kinds of pop tarts. I bought one box. I would have bought 3 boxes of cereal; I bought one. It was little things like that. The conciousness has changed. I am again amazed at how fun this is.

It is such a good feeling to know that I have such an amazing goal. (I need to find another word verses amazing--I am wearing it a bit thin, but since this is my first stab at writing anything, it will have to do for awhile.)

One big accomplishment that I made today was driving past a restaurant on the way home from the grocery store. I had a craving for the sweet tea that I get there a couple of times a week. I actually pulled into a parking space in front of the restaurant. I opened the console and saw the 20 dollar bill that I had just received from the grocery store. I knew that I purposely got that 20 to put into the stash toward my million dollar goal. I have made a vow not to touch that money. Even it was only for a cup of sweet tea.

I pulled out of the parking space, leaving the craving behind. That may seem very trivial, but it was something that I would not have done a week ago. It was a thought that would not have even occured to me. This is exciting. A million dollars awaits. I would love to have my husband in on this with me. I wonder how much I will have to save before I can tell him about it. I would imagine several thousands, maybe tens of thousands, huh?

I read that you can only tell of your goals after you have accomplished them so that you cannot be talked out of them. I see why now...