Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Richest Man In Babylon

One of the main things that I have done for the past year is read and read and read. I can not keep my hands off anything that I believe will help me grow stronger mentally. This is totally new for me, compared to the way I have been my whole life. Out of that reading I have become a new and happier person.

However I am now striving for much bigger goals. I want to be completely happy. One of the ways that i can be happy is to make those around me happy. And One of the main ways to make others happy is to have money. Lots of it, to help them out when they need it. So, I am going for the big one--one million dollars.

I am almost finished with "The Richest Man in Babylon". It should be a must read for anyone and everyone who wants to aquire any type of wealth or success in life. I wish it would be required of every high school student. I will make my children read it for sure.

Anyway, one of the first lessons in this timeless book is to keep one tenth of whatever you gain for yourself and tuck it away for later. That is such a small part of the book that will be used later on, but I started my road to my millions yesterday. My first small step on to my "green money road".

First, at the grocery store, after getting groceries, I wrote a check for $10 over the grocery price and put it in a special stash I would begin. Then that night when my husband went to bed I went and put my greedy little nubs into his wallet and took $20 from his wallet. Then tonight I took five one dollar bills. So, there you go in a little over 24 hours, I went from $0-$35.

Now, you may see only 35 dollars. But, one of the big lessons is that once the money starts coming, it will keep coming. That is what i have learned from all the reasearch I have been doing. You must know this. Never forget it. It will come from very unexpected places if you hold on to very scientific faith that it will. But, the faith has to be unwaivering.

Guess what, I found a $20 bill in a coat I had not worn in a while just after I put the 35 dollars in the secret stash.....yeah, I did.....So, for a first day on my journey...not too shabby.... Thank you!

Yes, Einstien, it is a friendly universe!

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